Monday, December 3, 2007

It's funny how excessive fun can suck the fun out of fun. believe me, it is happening right now with me. i had begun to believe that believing in myself would lead to some sort of relief from teh burdens of my own unfulfilled expectations for myself and hence give me some joy and fun. however, a sudden turn of event has opened my eyes to a whole new darkness where my eyes were better closed. now i have a tag of being fun, and yet no fun to be with. i feel incaptivated in this state of ambiguity and feel like i am heading into oblivion at the speed of light. i am falling from my own grace and the worst infliction on my soul is that i cannot even see it - teh darkness remember? so, here i am rearing to fly, with my wings clipped and the sky taunting me with all its glory. teh fun is gone, the interest is gone, the inclination is gone. i cannot even seek help now; i see no one.


  1. I hope you have found some comfort since the despair troubling you in your December post.

    What turn of events cast you down so? Have events now turned so that you know hope again?


  2. Wow! This is one of the most off the beaten path places on the internet!

    What's going on here? Who is Thus I Spoke trying to tease here with these cryptic messages?

    Give some details, honey! Tell us what's going on. You've obviously got some drama goin' on, so let out, babe.

    I think there's may be some fine narrative to be put down out here on the outskirts of the internet, so I'll be checking back from time to time. C'mon, Thus I Spoke, give us the story!


  3. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  4. Hey Vinho, glad you found your way to this undiscovered outpost on the internet tundra. I'm not sure how I found it the first time around.

    Anyway, Thus-I-Spoke-girl, I'm checking in to see what your story is. You're a great tease, now I want to hear the juicy details. You've clearly got a story to tell and I'm all ears.

    Let's talk, girl!


  5. Hey girl.

    Just checking in to see if you're still minding this store.

    I'm still interested in the story you got.

