Saturday, November 14, 2009

memories and answers

Crimson skies take over my mind
Upon those mountains of sinful times
Like never a day without a night
What use is vision without sight
As wishes in a wishing well
Without a tide, never swell
If a stray tear drops in there
Would the well give it any care

Eyes as black as charcoal
God was generous in your dole
But did he give that any thought
Or was he like a seven-year drought
When your face was patchy with salty lines
Did he sing you comforting rhymes
When your eyes looked up for prayers
Did he demand his fair share

Was he like a tree, sturdy and strong
Or did he wait on you for long
When you cried near the wishing well
Over the secrets he didn’t tell
Who held you back from letting go
and made sure that you didn’t wallow
Memories can be exchanged for new
But only with this life in lieu

Crimson flames fire up in my brain
Eating up the wishful rain
Burning through my very soul
Redefining my existing role
With memories gone and life past
Like an ocean, deep and vast
Would you still remember him
Or dismiss him like a passing whim
Your charcoal eyes now don’t look the same
For memories can die but what about the pain


  1. I was guided to your blog by Priyanjali and boy am I thankful to her.. What a lovely poem. The more I read it the more deeper I fall into the vortex.

    Just a small thought, If memories die the pain associated with it also disappears. I say keep the wonderful memories alive and pain die a slow death in your journey of life.. :)

    Kash !
