Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Conquerer of elements

"Sail ahoy, sail ahoy," the sailors shout
As they look at me for approval
A nod I give them, a smile from my eyes
Closed they were then, as if to pray
and open again, to let them go
A swing to the port side, another to the starboard
and we set sail into the unending expanse of the salty grey
the horizon was never near, but it never was so approachable either
as the wind filled the main sale and the astern went up and down
the hull is a horse and as cowboys we race to the sun
The sea is not the kindest today
no dolphins to keep us company
no easy task for the captain
but with the helm in my hand
I scream to let the angry sea know
"we are here to conquer you today"
We gallop on our horse as the wind cheers us on
the sea looking strong, but pale, a little frightened may be
but intimidating nevertheless
one quick turn as the sea opens its mouth to gobble us down
and we are alee, strong against the wind
not afraid of the sea
going into the trap it laid for us
knowing a will survives longer than strength
up and down, side to side, the sea is merciless
The gunwale looks scared, almost ready to go under
but on trapeze we go, holding it calm, holding it above the menacing waters
"we take it head on, no fear," i scream
"no fear," they respond and up we are
all hands on deck, "no fear, no place for fear"
Off we go on to the windward side
one leap forward, one leap on the side and we beat the angry turbulence she drew for us
open sea now, as vast as we always imagined
and calm, contrary to our expectations
we look back to see the receding waves we conquered
Drenched in salty water, smiles on our face, we salute to this worthy opponent
"I am the elements, you are but a part of me," I scream to our nemesis
It doesn't look so intimidating anymore
a little sad and weary perhaps, looking at us with salty tears
we lay in the glory of our victory, feeling sorry for the sea
then we all look at each other, knowing what needs to be done
all lines are loosened, the sails set loose
we wait for a wave to help us in our endeavour
and then it came, a swelling beauty of water
capsize and in we go into the sea
a final insult to injury
"I make you, I break you and only if I want, can you take me"
the sea looks even sadder now
as we lay laughing in the waters
only to mount our horse again
but only when we feel the time is right

1 comment:

Sree..!!! said...

nice yaar.. i dint knw this part of u... good stuff :p